MMI-team reports on paper |
The presentation of Train Control Information, Part I Orientation: analysis, criteria and presentation. Utrecht: Netherlands Railways, SE ARBO/A&E/1991/1125-part I, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. and Vorderegger, J.R, (1991).
Development of a European solution for the Man-Machine Interface (European train cabs), Part II Evaluation and Suggested Presentation for a Euro Display. Utrecht: UIC/ERRI/A200/M.f4-945222-01.0-9412, Maessen, N. Verhoef, L.W.M. & Vorderegger, J.R. (1994).
MMI, Man Machine Interface. Utrecht: UIC/ERRI/ETCS, A 200/M-FRS.02-955733-01.00-951512, (1995).
Driver input for ETCS. Utrecht: UIC/Erri, pag. A200/M02-B0642-01.01-96118, Göbel, M.P. Maessen, E.J.M. D.P. Rookmaaker, L.W.M. Verhoef, J.R. Vorderegger, (1996).
EIRENE-MMI, Basic options and principles (phase 2). Utrecht: Arbo Management Groep \ Ergonomics, Vorderegger, J.R. & L.W.M. Verhoef, (1997).
EIRENE-MMI, User assessment (phase 4). Utrecht: Arbo Management Groep \ Ergonomics, Vorderegger, J.R. Verhoef, L.W.M. & Rookmaaker, D.P. (1997).
Eirene - MMI (phase 5), Requirements and Design Proposals. Utrecht: Arbo Management Groep\ Ergonomics, Vorderegger, J.R. & L.W.M. Verhoef, (1997).
ERTMS (ETCS/EIRENE) MMI, The Man Machine Interface of the European Train Control System and the European Radio System for Railways. Utrecht: UIC, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. & Vorderegger, J.R. (1998).
ERTMS/ETCS Icons, Utrecht, AMG\Ergonomics, Report 1814/A200.1/M-C0375-02.00-971231, Weitenberg, A., & Vorderegger J.R., (1997).
Een taak-gebaseerde interface voor Europese treinbestuurders. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie, vol. 23, no. 1, Vorderegger, J.R. Verhoef, L.W.M. & Rookmaaker, D.P. (1998).
Papers and articles MMI-team
on paper
The presentation of speed control information of ETCS train drivers. In: World Congress on Railway Research, Paris, SNCF Dir. de la Recherche, pag. 959-964, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. Vorderegger, J.R. & Maessen, E.J.M.(1994).
The cab display test as a driving simulator, ETCS/ERRI project. In: World Congress on Railway Research, pag. 1217-1219, Rijpkema, H. Holslag, R. Vorderegger, J. & Verhoef, L.W.M. (1994).
Integration of cab systems, ergonomic considerations. In: Eirene-User Formum Nov 7th Utrecht: ETCS-NS-Se Arbo/ ergonomics, Rookmaaker, D.P. (1996).
A Task Based Interface For European Train Drivers, Stech'96 24-26 September 1996. Birmingham: Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. & J.R. Vorderegger, (1996).
A Task Based interface for European train drivers. In: Better Journey Time - Better business, pag. 79-84, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. & Vorderegger, J.R. (1996).
A Task Based interface for European train drivers, ImechE conference. Birmingham: Inst. of Mech. Engineers, Rookmaaker, D.P. Verhoef, L.W.M. Vorderegger, J.R. (1996).
EIRENE MMI project: ergonomic issues, Workshop The European Man Machine Interface; background, choices and technology, Jan. 9th 1997. Paris: UIC, Verhoef, L.W.M. (1997).
| |
Persons involved in the ETCS-mmi development
(to be extended) |
| | 40 | experts | train control safety expert | European Networks |
| 240 | Drivers | test mmis in simulator | 12 European Networks |
| Aad de | Geus | technician | Netherlands Railways |
| Colete | Weeda | ergonomist | Intergo |
| Anzwina | | | |
| Marieke | Göbel | cognitive psychologist | Netherlands Railways |
| Hans | Rijpkema | programmer | Scan/ Media-Gn |
| Jochen | Vorderegger | industrial designer | Netherlands Railways |
| Jochen | Vos | programmer | Scan |
| Leonard | Verhoef | cognitive psychologist | Human Efficiency |
| Noel | Maessen | cognitive psychologist | Netherlands Railways |
| Martin | Meeldijk | programmer | Scan |
| Natasha | Weitenberg | cognitive psychologist | Netherlands Railways |
| Pieter | Rookmaaker | manager ETCS-mmi-team | Netherlands Railways |
| Rens | Holslag | graphical interface designer | Holslag vof |
| Sebastiaan | Vos | simulator hardware | Vos
Examples of (experimental ETCS designs he contributed to.
Experimental speedometers

Analog classical experimental clock design Train speed: 192. Maximum permitted speed 200. Next target permitted speed 40. Good for general maintain speed task, bad for planning and when close to intervention.
Analog design, screen version
 Diagrammatic design, vertical version. Braking curve should not touch maximum permitted speed curve. The tongue below should
in the pipe above.
for planning and
bad when
close to
 Diagrammatic design, horizontal version. Comparable with vertical version.
 Animated design Braking curve should not touch max permitted
curve. The “vehicle”
in front should not be too close. Good when close to intervention, bad for planning and insight.
 Speed and safety information for high speed train drivers. The one that is now
Source: ETCS/Verhoef.
To top of this list of pictures.
 Cab with inconsistent interfaces. Visible, even at low resolution. Inconsistent presentation and input of: date, time, numbers, colours, enter procedures, control of attention.
 Cab with consistent
interfaces. No differences in
presentation and input of:
date, time, numbers, colours,
enter procedures, control of

Consistent icon design.
The graphic elements can
combined for current
functions and for functions
to be developped. The
graphic elements are like
words. Designers can create
new sentences. Drivers
knowing the elements can
understand new
To top of this list of pictdures.
Use of colours

Same use of colours for all information. Colour is used for control of attention.
 Use of colour, white: no braking curve.
 Use of colour, yellow:

Use of colour, orange:
brake now!!

Use of colour, red:
too late, intervention.
This use of colour for
control of user's attention
can be used for any systems,
for instance for passengers
and teachers.
To top of mmi concepts list.
 At the right maximum train speed profile ahead. Lower
maximum speed at 1000m.
The planning design was based on the experimental diagrammatic design
(see above).
Time to intervention The small square at the top left shows that there is sufficient time to safety system brake intervention.

Train braking curve is close to safety braking curve. The square top left shows time to intervention of the safety system. Time to intervention depends on maximum permitted speed minus current speed and the traction/ brake application. When looking outside the square is in the visal periphery but will be noticed when it comes up because: the periphery is sensitive for changes, for high contrast changes and the square is at the top of the screen. This design was based on the experimental animated design (see above).